
Welche Lieferzeiten gelten für miroxx Geräte?

The delivery time depends on the model selected and the installation or assembly location. We usually have sufficient stock to deliver and install orders anywhere in Germany, Austria and Switzerland within 10 working days of the order being placed.

Welche Zusatzkosten gibt es?

Everything is included in our scope of services. The prices shown in our store are a total offer for the hardware and software and always include transportation and installation costs. There are no hidden costs or follow-up costs for updates to the training software or the app! The app is free and no memberships are required.

Welche Finanzierungsmöglichleiten gibt es?

miroxx products are characterized by a great price-performance ratio. We therefore want to be able to appeal to all health-oriented and training-conscious people. In addition to the usual payment options with credit cards or Sepa, we therefore offer installment financing for our fans in Germany in cooperation with the e@syCredit Bank. Further details on payment options.

Wie lange dauert die Gewährleistungsfrist?

The warranty period for miroxx devices is two years from the date of purchase and covers all manufacturing defects and material defects that occur during normal use. The traction cables are wearing parts that are not covered by the warranty.

Was sind die technischen Daten?

Weight: 78 kg
Size: 560×1,150×150 mm
Rated power: 650 W
Standby power: 15 W
Rated voltage: 110-240 V
Rated current: 9 A

Use at room temperatures of 0-40° Celsius
Use at a humidity of 30-80%


Welche Abmessungen hat das miroxx Gerät?

The dimensions of the housing are:
Width 560 mm
Height 1,150 mm
Depth 150 mm
The lever arms are folded in for the dimensions given here.

Wie wird der Widerstand generiert?

The resistance is generated by two 250 mm servo disk motors. This enables noiseless running, a very pleasant training feeling, smooth movement and infinitely variable adjustment of the resistance in 1 kg increments

Was ist der minimale bzw. der maximale Trainingswiderstand? 

The minimum resistance is 2 kg per lever arm and rope – a total of 4 kg. Each of the two motors can generate a maximum resistance of 50 kg = up to 100 kg total resistance for each exercise.

Wie viele Einstellmöglichkeiten der Hebelarme gibt es?

The lever arms can be adjusted 3-fold in height and 7-fold in angle.

Wie kann miroxx installiert werden?

There is the option of wall mounting – miroxx Wall. To achieve this, the structure of the wall must meet the requirements. There is also the option of setting miroxx completely free with the help of the floor stand.

Welche Voraussetzungen müssen gegeben sein, um miroxx in Betrieb zu nehmen?

Apart from the requirements regarding the condition of the wall in the case of wall mounting, a power connection and Internet access via a stable and secure WLAN connection are required. An Internet connection via a LAN connection is not possible.

Welche Anforderungen gibt es an die Struktur der Wand für miroxx Wall?

Welche Trainingsarten bieten miroxx und miroxx Pro? Was ist der Unterschied?

Training couldn’t be more varied. miroxx enables both concentric/eccentric and increased eccentric training. miroxx Pro also offers isokinetic and fluid modes.

Kann ich die miroxx Geräte selbst installieren?

The miroxx devices may only be delivered and installed by our service partners. We work exclusively with specially trained professionals who ensure that the appliance is installed and connected correctly.

Wie können die Seile ersetzt werden?

The ropes of the miroxx devices are wearing parts that are not covered by the warranty and can be replaced if they are worn out. It is not possible to predict when replacement will be necessary, as wear and tear is influenced by the training resistance and the type of training. Replacement may only be carried out by a service technician trained by us. Replacement is carried out directly at the installation or set-up location of the device. Both ropes are always replaced! Replacement of the ropes is subject to a charge and is not covered by the warranty. If it is necessary to replace the ropes, please use the following link: service@miroxx.world


Wie erfolgen Software Updates?

All updates are free and automatic and do not affect ongoing training.

Kann ich ohne Internetverbindung trainieren?

All exercises and types of training with the miroxx devices are also possible without an internet connection.

Kann ich mein Smartphone mit dem Display synchronisieren?

Yes, this is possible if miroxx and your smart phone are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.

Care and maintenance

Wie wird miroxx gepflegt und gewartet?

miroxx does not require any special care or maintenance. The appliance must be kept away from heat sources and direct sunlight should be avoided. As with any electrical appliance, moisture must not penetrate the appliance and the installation location must not be too humid. To clean the surfaces, use a suitable microfiber cloth and cleaning agents suitable for mirrors. All miroxx appliances are supplied with a suitable cleaning kit.